The moon is bright in the night sky
As I watch the shadows dance to the rhythm
Of the flickering candle light
Staring into the small flame
Mesmerized by it's seducing dance
Nothing except the darkness and the light
With shadows dancing at the edges of my sight
Losing myself and my mind
I forget the pain
And embrace the flame
To be rise again
As the phoenix rising again
I look back to see shadows waving good bye
As I fly into the night sky
With the bright white moon's light
I fly higher and higher
With wings of flame
Soaring through a beautiful night
With sleeping cities and calm seas
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Poem without title
Friday, March 29, 2013
Entry 29032013 · Das Bunker!
Today was a fun day. I went on a excursion with my friends to the anti-air bunker on top of the TurĂ³ de la Rovira, in the Carmel district of Barcelona. We had a fun day of laughs and picture taking.
We started a little later then we expected (and almost got lost), but in the end we made our way to the top of the hill. The girls had fun taking like a zillion photos, jumping posing and all the usual things that one does when they get a camera and a free pass to snap about. I quite enjoyed the trip as we laughed and had fun taking pictures. Here are some of the pictures that we took:
There wasn't cannons or anti-air guns. But the view of all of Barcelona was beautiful. You can't go inside the bunker installations but that didn't matter that much. Later we went to have some drinks and ended up having lunch, which was good because we were almost exhausted from all the photos and laughing and fun :)
We started a little later then we expected (and almost got lost), but in the end we made our way to the top of the hill. The girls had fun taking like a zillion photos, jumping posing and all the usual things that one does when they get a camera and a free pass to snap about. I quite enjoyed the trip as we laughed and had fun taking pictures. Here are some of the pictures that we took:
There wasn't cannons or anti-air guns. But the view of all of Barcelona was beautiful. You can't go inside the bunker installations but that didn't matter that much. Later we went to have some drinks and ended up having lunch, which was good because we were almost exhausted from all the photos and laughing and fun :)
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Deadshift Chronicles #3
Welcome back to another issue of the deadshift chronicles (please note the sarcasm). Well, it's the last night shift of the month and for the time being as well. Not much happened these last couple of nights of any interest... the hotel is almost empty as it's not tourist season yet, although I believe that those in the higher circles are worried because they aren't raking in money as they did a decade ago.
The economic crisis is still something I keep a lazy eye on, although there isn't much to do, as one person can't make a difference in this society and with this culture that we live in. I'm not going to get into the politics of the issues of what's happening in Europe recently as any one who watches the news can say that things are getting more and more fucked up.
Going to be over a week till I have another driving practical as it is Easter holiday here in Spain. I'd really like to get my hands on a car and practice more. But every day it gets a bit more difficult. For now I'm trying to cut down on my hobbies until I can get enough of the practical lessons to be able to do and pass the exam which depends on how things go, might happen sometime at the end of April or mid-May. And depending if I have a job or not, (many of my friends say that since it will be tourist season again, that I will have a job,) I'm going to see if I can buy a car or not. Some of my friends have suggested buying a new car as it will be easier to handle, guarantee issues etc. Even my driving instructor said that it was a better idea to get a new car. But economy plays a lot as well, so it depends if I can afford new car or not. There will be more on that later.
I am a bit worried that I am getting more and more eco-wary. In other words, a bit hippy ¬¬ I'm blaming a very good friend of mine for this! But the thing is that I'm a bit more of radical, in-your-face kind of person, so mix that with something I strongly believe with and you have a good idea of what the result might be (some of it, you've gotten from my last entry). Well, somebody has to think straight or get the job done, right?
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Entry 23032013 - Elephant vs. Man vs. Man
There is a high number of elephants being killed every year, too high a number. And the only reason being the small, exclusive and illegal ivory market. There are organizations holding conferences to "fight" for the prohibition (of something which has been illegal, although not in all countries,) of this activity.
I have a clear opinion on the theme, I'm against killing any animal for just a part of the creature. It's not like a cow which is farmed and then slaughtered for it's meat, in which case practically all of the cow is consumed - yes, I'm a meat eater and I'm against the stupid reason of farming elephants for ivory as much as farming tigers or bears for their skin. And considering the technological advance that we have, I think it's possible to clone ivory or even come up with a synthetic substitute (which I believe already exists.
I mostly blame the world, meaning the society that we live in, where greed and money have more power than solidarity and caring. Okay, there is some caring... for oneself. Since it's prohibition, the price of ivory has gone up... and so has poaching. Recently, I've read an article in the newspaper stating that in Barcelona, poachers sell their illegally obtained ivory which is "washed" to look as if it is old ivory to auction houses which don't require a CITES certificate and then sell the said ivory to a buyer with a proof of purchase (usually of Asian origin), who then goes to China where he/she can sell it to any tourist who wants to buy it. The thing is that there is a big market in Eastern Asia for these items. But there is also a problem, anyone buying ivory there and comes back to Europe and can't provide a CITES certificate is in trouble.
The said thing is that there are countries that are too poor to support the prohibition on this mass butchering of elephants and rhinos. The problem being that they don't get or get little support from other countries. And it's not only that, but the people in these countries have other problems which can be easily solved but due to political interests are still further abused or prolonged without reason.
What I've come up with is hunt the hunters. Yes, killing a fellow human is considered murder, but isn't killing a fellow living thing just for it's tusk or horn as well? I for one, when I have children, I will take them to Africa to see elephants and rhinos for real, and hope that they can do the same with their children.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Deadshift Chronicles #2
Well, another deadshift, another deadshift chronicle.
Last night could've been counted as a bit entertaining if I was able to give a fuck, but since I wasn't, well, you're smart you get the point. Crazy shit happen at hotel receptions that people don't believe or expect to happen. Last night, two guests (member's of a VIP guest in the hotel) walk in drunk from the hotel restaurant. Apparently one of them "had" a chance to pick up a girl but the other guy ruined it. I was busy trying to not fall a sleep and thinking of ways to figure out what to do since I left my books/mangas at home. So after a small argument, which I don't remember what one said to the other, one of them pulls his penis out and starts shouting: "I could get any girl I want with this".
If they weren't family of this VIP guest, they'd be having what is left of the conversation in the police station or outside in the street as I was in no mood for stupidity (there is already way too much of it in this world). Some how the other got offended as it seems the drunker guy said something insulting about the religion of the other. This brought with it, the drunker guy saying that he loves the other one and that he'd never say something like that bla bla bla...
... basically over a little more than an hour of live stupidity in the hotel reception, while I was thinking about if they'd go away and there be some silence.
It's sort of official that I have a cold, but I'm nursing it so I don't think it's that bad... I am a survivor so a little cold won't stop me. Other than that, tonight, I did bring my books (read through one as if it were just a piece of paper).
Also read a short story of a friend, that made me think... on things that I don't wish to think. It's her first short story, and if it made me think, that means it's pretty good. We'll see if at some point I write one of my own. Let's wait and see if I last the night...
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Deadshift Chronicles #1
Well, I'm back doing the deadshift again... after like almost 2 months approximately... and I already know it is going to be a long night.
First, because I forgot my manga books I bought today at home - not to mention the book I was already reading. Second, the internet here at the hotel reception pretty much sucks and is slow as hell. Third, already had a couple arriving at the hotel with a reservation which was cancelled and according to them it wasn't cancelled by them... so basically the hotel cancelled your reservation because we think you are stupid? According to them the hotel cancelled it so that they have to pay more up on arriving and finding out that there reservation was cancelled (should've told them to go and find another hotel... of course then I'd get crap from my superiors for "kicking out" clients). Either way, problem solved everyone is sort of happy and I couldn't care less.
I think I'm also coming down with a cold. My throat feels a bit funny and my nose is itching... I guess my small ritual did work (top secret can't divulge more information on the ritual). Hope I remember to take some medication before I go to sleep when I get home.
So far the night seems to be going without much incident... (damn, just remembered that I could've at least brought the Nintendo 3DS ¬¬ )
Anyway, the only thing that I don't want to do is think, somehow I end up doing that quite a bit these days and don't really want to do that now. It's hard not to when you have the whole night ahead of you (it's 01:16 at this moment) so a little less than 6 hours left to sit here and try and not think. This should be quite interesting... I'll probably end up watching old episodes of some series or trying to figure out how to fix the economic crisis...
Monday, March 18, 2013
Entry 18032013
This Saturday I made a chocolate cake, it was my first time and it was edible so that's a good thing. Had some friends over for some tea and cake. After that we went out to walk and have dinner.
Driving update:
They changed my car with which in was learning, but getting the hang of driving. I have to practice more... or take advantage of the classes.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
Entry 12032013
Last week I passed my theory exam for my driver's license. Pretty proud of myself as I really did it all by myself. Yesterday, had my first practical class (1 hour). Realized that need to get more used to driving a car... it's not the same as driving a scooter. Today was my second class (also 1 hour) and it was sort of fun, I realized that I have to get used to more things... changing gear, clutch and brake etc etc.
[Today's route]
Yesterday, I got the new Tomb Raider (Xbox 360), and I like it, it's been a while since I've played an adventure/puzzle game, this one makes the top ten for me. Good graphics and a good storyline. I haven't yet tried the multiplayer, but the single player is quite awesome. The storyline keeps you on the edge as you don't know what will happen turning the next corner. But it's fun and entertaining which can't be said for most games, as they follow a straight line and you know what there is around the next corner or it's so long that you just can't give a fuck of what is going to happen next.
A game I'd recommend to anyone who likes adventure/puzzle games. Did I mention that it has Lara Croft :P
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