Been back to work from mid Febuary. And am back to working the dead shift again. It has been a while since I have posted anything but that is either due to lack of time or laziness. Most of the time, I do tend to post when I am working the deadshift, that is why most of the posts are of the Dead Shift Chronicles, although they are not much of a chronicle and just jibber jabber that come to my mind when I have some free time to make a post.
There are some things in my life that are going on at the moment, but I do not feel like getting into them at this very moment. I did manage to sort of salvage my netbook, although it is still a bit slow. Also last month, my PC died so I have to resort to either salvaging a tower that I have or getting a new one. Going to do both, salvage the tower till I have enough money to get a new one, which I'm thinking of building myself, rather than buying one already built.
Hopefully, I will be able to make another post before the end of the week.