Well, started to write one of my ideas for a novel that I have. It's more difficult from what I thought it would be as I have to translate in my mind what I want to write from English to Spanish. But I'm thinking about writing at least one chapter per day, and to get over the language issue, maybe write it in English and when I have the chapter written down, translate it to Spanish the best way I see fit. Although that means double the work, I think this way I'll be able to get done and quicker.
It might be difficult since I get back to work this coming Friday, I don't think it will be that much of an issue. I want to finish writing it before may at least so that gives me a couple of months time to move freely. Also I have a friend who is willing to edit the book and I know some guys who have a publishing company, so I might have this thing properly figured out.
Something else that I've been up to while waiting for the television series to comeback or be posted online (although that is "illegal"), is watch a reality/contest show called Face Off, which is made for Syfy. It's quite an interesting show, as it puts aspiring makeup, designers, creative artists to compete against each other and make a name for themselves. I'd recommend this program to any one who is interested in movies, cosplay, make up and even art, as there are quite some talented people there and they explain some of the things that they do.
Not much else going... got Paul fixed up. The guys at the shop cleaned him up too, except that today it's raining so don't know how he'll be tomorrow (might have to clean him up...).
Oh forgot to mention that I'm working on a new postcard design that I have in my head... it's going to take me some time, but hopefully it will be awesome when I finish.
That's about it for now...